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The Smithtek telemetry system provides a simple and efficient method to control all your assets from a single source.

The PassPort Gateway makes managing multiple Mako V2 PLCs on your site incredibly straightforward. Think of it as a friendly coordinator that connects with each Mako individually, gathering data from various sensors and input devices. It then sends the necessary commands to adjust settings or turn equipment on and off as needed. Plus, you can easily hook up additional control tools like touchscreens or comprehensive monitoring systems to each Mako, enhancing your control. This system is built for ease; it's simple to install, easy to understand, and ready to grow with your operations. Get your event alarms and notifications sent to you through SMS or email helping you reduce downtime and service outages.




Devices are what all sensors  in the field connect to.


Generally known as a PLC's, RTU's DCS controllers and micro controllers.

Devices are programmed to check the condition of a sensor and report back  at a time interval of your choice.


Our device is called the Mako V2


A Gateway is what connects a device and your sensor data to the internet.

Our gateway is called the PASS-PORT

Sensor data is retrieved from a device and processed. Commands are sent back to the device. like: "Turn on a pump"

It can sit in your office, switchboard, or workshop and connect to the internet just like the average computer.

SMITHTEK.CLOUD is a web-based HMI Scada system. Inside the cloud, fresh data received from the Gateway can be seen in a list we call "variables". 

These variables are responsive in realtime, we call a sensor change, a 'data dot', also knows as a data time stamp.  

Just like a SCADA system you can customise and design your cloud page, also known as a "Dash Board".

With drag and drop capabilities you can be running in minutes.

The cloud offers event alarms, notifications, scheduled automation and much more.

Typical telemetry and control topology

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